
Is Parsley Terrible For You During Pregnancy?

One of the oldest beliefs is regarding the consumption of parsley, an aromatic herb that is used daily in the kitchen during pregnancy. In fact, for centuries, it has been said that this plant is toxic for pregnant women and that it contributes to increasing the risk of abortion. What is the actual correlation between parsley and pregnancy? Is there a grain of truth?

Effects Of Parsley On Pregnancy

The belief that parsley is toxic during gestation dates back to very ancient times, particularly in the Middle Ages when to control and limit the number of births, they were administered to pregnant women decoctions prepared with various herbs, the main ingredient of which was parsley.

Parsley was one of the main components of these decoctions due to the presence of two substances, myristicin and the polo, which, if consumed in high quantities during gestation, are capable of causing severe damage. The first has a neurotoxic action on the fetus, while the second causes powerful contractions of the uterine muscles and hemorrhages, leading to abortion. 

However, the quantity of the substances above contained in parsley leaves is meager; therefore, to induce the effects as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to consume very high doses, which are challenging to achieve by using it as an aromatic herb to flavor dishes. On the contrary, quantities capable of obtaining harmful effects may occur if parsley is consumed as a decoction or as an essential oil.

What Are Myristicin And Apiol?

Myristicin is a substance contained in some essential oils, vegetables, and aromatic herbs, including parsley. It is characterized by a specific neurotoxic power, which makes this substance anti-nutritional. It is not only contained in parsley but also in nutmeg, dill and carrots. Even with regards to these vegetables, the dose consumed in the culinary field is so low that it does not have any harmful effects on health.

The situation is different for Portenschlagiella ramosissima, also called Finocchiella di Lucania, whose essential oils from the seeds contain very high quantities of myristicin. The apollo, however, exists in two forms: the green apollo and the white apollo. These are two terpenes obtained from the essential oil of parsley seeds, and both have emmenagogue properties, i.e., they are capable of conducting the flow of blood within the pelvic area and inducing menstruation.

In fact, if the consumption of apollo is abundant, the woman easily suffers from internal hemorrhages, hemolysis and muscular contractions, which can lead to miscarriage and death. Furthermore, its hemolytic action leads to the destruction of red blood cells in the blood, resulting in the formation of clots and increased internal bleeding.

How Much Parsley Can You Consume During Pregnancy?

If parsley is consumed in limited quantities during pregnancy, the woman does not have any potential risk for your health and that of your child. As anticipated, the doses consumed in the kitchen are not sufficient to achieve the possible harmful effects, neither those deriving from myristicin nor those of ‘apology. A different situation is represented by parsley essential oils, which contain high quantities of apiol, so by consuming it, it is possible that the woman could suffer from uterine contractions, dangerously increasing the risk of abortion.

Therefore, it is absolutely contraindicated to use parsley essential oil during pregnancy. A chronic hepatitis is also not recommended for those suffering from kidney disease, or  Not only during pregnancy but It should, however, be underlined that if a pregnant woman consumes parsley as a condiment for dishes, it is essential that it is washed carefully, as any other raw vegetable, to avoid the risk of toxoplasmosis.

Toxoplasmosis In Pregnancy

To make sure you consume parsley safely during pregnancy, there are some precautions and tips to implement. It is, therefore, essential to wash it carefully, as well as any other vegetable that must be consumed. These tips are essential to prevent the pregnant woman from contracting toxoplasmosis, a disease for which there is not yet a vaccine, caused by a parasite (toxoplasma gondii), which is transmitted through cat feces (in turn, becomes infected by hunting infected mice or, birds), or through contact with soil contaminated by excrements of infected animals.

Considering that most vegetables and aromatic herbs grow on the ground, there is a greater probability of coming into contact with this parasite. Consequently, raw vegetables must be washed carefully before consumption. Some of the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are:

  1. Fever
  2. Muscle and joint pain
  3. Bone pain
  4. Tiredness and exhaustion
  5. Migraine and headache
  6. Expanding of both shallow and profound lymph hubs
  7. Enlargement of liver and spleen
  8. Sore throat

In the severe form, toxoplasmosis leads to inflammation of the eyes (some of which can lead to blindness) and the brain. AIt represents a potential danger if contracted during pregnancy because it can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, with the risk of malformations, abortion and intrauterine death.

During pregnancy, the presence of toxoplasmosis is checked monthly via blood tests because the symptoms can often be mistaken for simple flu. In the event that an infection should occur, the treatment of choice is based on the administration of a targeted antibiotic, spiramycin, a>well tolerated by both mother and child. Which proves to be A positive IgM test highlights the presence of ongoing Toxoplasma infection during pregnancy.

Nutritional Benefits Of Parsley

If consumed in a safe quantity, in addition to being non-toxic, parsley constitutes an essential resource for the organism because, thanks to its antioxidant properties and immunostimulants, in the presence of vitamins A, C and K and its diuretic and digestive actions, it contributes to keeping the organs and the skeletal muscle system healthy, promoting normal blood coagulation processes.

Read Also: 3 Best Moisturizing Ingredients For Curly Hair


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