Sleep Apnea And Snoring Are Insufficient For The Heart

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Does your partner complain because you snore and don’t let him sleep? Then, it’s time to try to solve the problem because snoring, as well as negatively affecting the couple’s relationship, can cause heart problems. In fact, snoring is often associated with sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart disease.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is divided into OSAS, the English acronym for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, in which the weight of the chest and the shape of the neck contribute to the blockage of the airways during the night. CSA Central Sleep Apnea, less common, is caused by a central neurological problem that causes the brain not to send movement orders to the diaphragm. The most common cause of sleep apnea is obstructive: one in five people suffer from it, especially men ( 34% of men, 17% of women ). However, it is estimated that over 80% of cases of moderate-severe OSAS are undiagnosed!

Why Is Snoring Bad For Your Heart?

During sleep, our body tends to reduce all its vital functions: heart rate, blood pressure and levels of stress hormones. Sleep disorders, such as snoring and apnoea, do not allow physiological rest and increase the risk of arterial hypertension, arrhythmias (altered heart rhythms, in particular, atrial fibrillation), heart failure (malfunctioning of the heart pump), heart disorders metabolism and mood. Snoring is typical of sleep apnea, a periodic interruption of the person’s breathing during sleep, with a frequency that can reach thirty times or more per hour. Not everyone who snores suffers from apnea, but those who suffer from snoring do.

Nocturnal sSnoring: Disturbs Sleep And Creates Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring disturbs sleep. Unrestful sleep is associated with various cardiovascular ( hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure) as well as metabolic disorders that can lead to overweight, obesity and mood disorders. Furthermore, near the throat are located the carotid arteries, large arteries on the left and right of the neck, which carry oxygenated blood to the brain: scientific studies have shown that the vibrations caused by snoring are transmitted to the carotid arteries, which become inflamed and thicken their walls. The reduction in the caliber of the carotid arteries reduces the blood supply to the brain, a dangerous factor, especially during the night when blood pressure also drops.

Why Is Sleep Apnea Terrible For The heart?

Continuous micro-awakenings increase the sympathetic activity of the nervous system (the one that keeps us awake and active). Furthermore, OSAS causes an increase in intrathoracic negative pressure during sleep to cope with the reduction in the general oxygenation of our body. Over time, these mechanisms lead to reactive changes in our organism, in particular in the heart and arterial vessels. 

Those suffering from OSAS have a 2-4 times greater chance of developing arrhythmias, a 30% risk of having heart problems and a 140% risk of developing heart failure, as well as having a greater risk of stroke. Additionally, nocturnal airway obstruction leads to difficulty concentrating and memory, daytime drowsiness, and problems with adenoids or tonsillitis.

What Does It Favor? Obstructive Sleep Apnea

One of the significant risk factors for OSAS is being overweight: fat reduces the ability of the airways to expand, and weight does not allow the lungs to grow upwards. Even just 10% more body weight increases the risk of OSAS by six times, while 60-90% of those who suffer from OSAS are also obese ( here, you can measure your BMI and fat mass for free). Bad habits such as smoking and excess alcohol contribute to apnea, as do the quantity of food consumed at dinner and its digestibility. You can download the Calories & Health Menu program for free here. It measures the calories you should drink every day and provides menus balanced in macro and micronutrients, also in a vegetarian version.

How Do I Understand What If I Suffer From Sleep Apnea?

In less critical cases, the person may feel poorly rested, have a headache when waking up, have a dry mouth and be irritable. When your partner notices snoring every night, a visit to the pulmonologist doctor is advisable with a medical history and possibly polysomnography (examination that can be done at home with a particular device worn all night which measures some physiological parameters such as brain activity, breathing and oxygen levels) can confidently diagnose OSAS.

Giving Remedies: How To Combat Obstructive Apnea Syndrome

When OSAS affects those suffering from obesity or overweight, the first therapy is a low-calorie diet and physical activity to lose weight. OSAS can be eliminated or reduced with various tools that allow you to avoid apnea. These are specific devices, among which the most “comfortable” and simple to use is the mandibular advancement device, which is the English acronym MAD. It is a removable device supplied by the dentist and which is worn during the night to regulate the advancement of the jaw, eliminating snoring and, in many cases, apnoea. In more severe cases, night ventilation devices can be used at night.

How Do You Prevent Or Reduce Sleep Apnea?

Lifestyle is important to have a restful sleep during which you can avoid snoring and consequently have a lower risk of sleep apnoea:

  1. Fight a sedentary lifestyle, do physical activity and adopt a balanced diet that respects the energy balance.
  2. Eat light dinners, and don’t go to bed 2-3 hours after dinner.
  3. Do not drink or limit alcohol, especially after dinner.
  4. Wait to drink coffee, tea, energy drinks or cola after 5 pm.
  5. Before sleeping, drink a relaxing herbal tea: chamomile, hawthorn, lime.

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