
What To Eat To Gain Weight? Find Out How To Gain Weight Healthily

Do you want to gain weight in a healthy and balanced way? Discover seven tips to feel good and keep your body in shape! Being underweight or overweight can be considered two sides of the same coin. Both conditions indicate that you are following incorrect habits. In this sense, behind weight gain, there may be nervous hunger, which, however, can also be counteracted with natural remedies.

Being thinner than necessary is not healthy; in fact, it can represent a warning sign for pathologies or health problems. Furthermore, just like when you are overweight, this condition can be challenging to accept, preventing you from living your daily life peacefully. What can be done in this case? The first step is to adopt good habits to feel good about yourself and others.

Why Diet To Gain Weight

When we talk about well-being, we cannot fail to mention the role that nutrition plays, together with physical activity and many other habits (such as not smoking and minimizing alcohol intake). This is underlined by the Ministry of Health, which recalls how a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, but also respiratory diseases, diabetes and tumors. To understand if you are underweight (or even overweight), it can be useful to refer to the body mass index (BMI), which is a parameter that considers the weight-height ratio. In particular:

  1. >30 indicates obesity;
  2. between 25 and 29.9 indicates pre-obesity;
  3. <18.5 kg/m2 indicates underweight.

On our website, you can find out how many calories you need every day by calculating your energy needs; you will also discover how to divide macronutrients and what the correct intake of vitamins and mineral salts is for you! Weighing too little is not suitable for your health since this condition contributes to weakening the immune system, exposing the body more to external attacks. 

The lack of supply of macro and micronutrients to the body can lead to nutritional deficiencies, putting the correct functioning of each organ and system at risk. Insufficient calcium intake, for example, can cause the development of osteoporosis (common in women, especially with the arrival of menopause), but it could occur even earlier. Likewise, an iron deficiency can cause anemia, causing tiredness and fatigue.

  1. You may be underweight for several reasons :
  2. You have a fast metabolism and tend to consume calories very quickly;
  3. You are experiencing a period of stress;
  4. There may be pathologies or eating disorders present which should be investigated;
  5. You do not follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

How To Gain Weight Healthily: 7 Tips

Going on a diet to gain weight does not mean eating everything you want, opting for fatty and caloric foods. In fact, it would be counterproductive, as these foods would increase body fat instead of lean mass and increase the risk of high blood cholesterol levels. On the contrary, if nutrition is the cause of underweight, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet by consuming healthy foods that provide the right calories, taking into account height, weight, and personal health conditions. Here are seven practical tips.

  1. Consume proteins. These macronutrients are present naturally within foods of plant and animal origin. It is advisable to consume them several times during the week, giving more space to the vegetable proteins contained, for example, in legumes and cereals;
  2. Eat more frequently. When you are underweight, you can feel full more quickly, so in addition to the three large meals, it is a good idea to have snacks (making sure they are healthy, for example, dried fruit or fresh fruit);
  3. Have meals with pasta or other carbohydrates, perhaps preferring wholemeal ones;
  4. Drink a lot. It is essential to maintain a good level of hydration, but it is better to avoid drinking before meals because it could increase the feeling of satiety and you could have less appetite;
  5. Consume five servings of fruit and vegetables a day ;
  6. I was playing sports. Exercises that involve weight lifting can be helpful in building muscle mass. However, be careful not to overdo it with physical activity: to gain weight, it is essential to consume more calories than you consume;
  7. Take food supplements. When necessary, it may be helpful to combine nutrition and physical activity with food supplements that support the body in terms of the supply of vitamins and mineral salts.

The Support Of Supplements

We have seen how good habits and a specific fattening diet can contribute to healthily gaining weight. However, the body may need additional support, especially from the point of view of micronutrients (vitamins and mineral salts), which food supplements can provide. Vitavi’s V / Essential line includes various multivitamins for men and women of different age groups in order to fill physiological or even nutritional deficiencies, which may exist at one age rather than another.

The V / Essential Donna multivitamin for women between 20 and 45 years old acts as an adjuvant during the fertile age and at the arrival of the menstrual cycle, promoting good hormonal activity and the immune system. In fact, it contains Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6, which help reduce tiredness; Folate Quatrefolic®, which promotes the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy; and Saffron saffron®, which counteracts disorders linked to the menstrual cycle. To support the male body between the ages of 20 and 45, there is the V / Essential Uomo multivitamin containing ingredients such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin C, which are helpful in rebalancing the metabolism and supporting general well-being.

As we age, the body changes and has other needs, including on a nutritional level. The supplement for women aged 45-50 and over offers support to women who are over 45 and who are entering menopause. The formulation, in fact, contains ingredients including Vitamin B12, which reduces fatigue; Vitamin D3 Vitashine™, which contributes to good bone and muscular system health; and Vitamin E, which helps protect against oxidative stress. Even men who are over 45 have specific needs that can be supported by the supplement for men aged 45-50 and over, which contains ingredients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitashine ™, and Selenium, useful for support for body and mind.

What To Eat To Gain Weight

We conclude by listing the main foods to gain weight that are rich in nutrients helpful in helping the body gain weight in a healthy way, such as:

  1. The milk. It is a source of vitamins, mineral salts (including calcium) and proteins;
  2. Rice. It is a good source of carbohydrates and represents a delicious and nutritious food to prepare, perhaps with vegetables;
  3. Red meat. Contrary to popular belief, red meat is good for the body because it helps build muscle mass and also helps you gain weight. It contains fats and proteins. To enjoy the beneficial effects of this food, it is essential to consume it only a few times a week, as recommended by your doctor;
  4. Foods rich in starches, such as potatoes, legumes, oats, and wholemeal bread. In fact, starches stimulate muscle growth and weight gain and provide energy;
  5. Dried fruit. Also, ideal as a snack, dried fruit is rich in nutrients and provides calories;
  6. Fatty fish such as salmon. Known for its supply of good fats, it is a food that contributes to weight gain;
  7. Dark chocolate. The intense aroma of chocolate is difficult to resist, plus it is also rich in antioxidants. It is better to prefer dark chocolate with a quantity of bitter cocoa of at least 70%;
  8. Egg. They are a source of good fats and animal proteins, but they are also very nutritious.

To gain weight healthily, therefore, you need to adopt an adequate lifestyle, consuming nutritious and at the same time healthy foods and possibly supplementing your diet with the right food supplements.

Read Also: Heat And Rubbing Thighs: Beauty Solutions That Work!


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